
I have been making a few giant leeps forward...

in conceptualizing my work. I've realized that it would be hugely hypocritical to create this exhibition out of materials that cause an adverse effect on the Northern Spotted Owl. In other words, why would I use a brand new sheet of arches paper when it is an indirect product of logging? Logging is considered, by many, to be the number one threat of the Northern Spotted Owl. Using arches paper would continue to support logging, while I am attempting to advocate for the protection of the owl and its habitat.

Have you ever heard the expression "like a rubber-band"? The analogy goes something like this...I started out in my comfort zone. Over time, I began to stretch my ideas to the absolute limits, almost to the point when my original idea would be broken/lost. This expansion helped me reason with myself and gain more insight into all possibilities. For instance, I have never composed an installation. This is not to say that I am incapable, or inadequate. Instead, I could adapt and scale back the idea of an installation. My intentions and concepts for a cause and effect series were clearly slipping away from me a week ago. I decided to crack down on my brainstorming sessions and research, through which I noticed my original message and goals heavily improved upon; they were bouncing back with tons of added insight,  like a rubber-band. My rubber-band is now back to a comfortable position, and yet, maintains a little extra stretch to account for my evolutions.

Brian was an amazing help with verbalizing my message. He pushed me out of my comfort zone, and we created these:

- Message: "Every decision has an effect, it's time we started think about ours"
- Encourage more self-examination and thoughtful considerations of the everyday decisions we make.
- Explain this complex but significant process through the plight of the Northern Spotted Owl. An animal caught between the demands of a growing world, and the resources on which we rely.
- How then, can we re-evaluate our actions, to consider their "downstream" effects, and act accordingly?
- We all contribute to the stream, but it is hard to see the combined impact of our contributions.

Here are some of the details you can expect from my series:

- ALL recycled materials
- Elements of installation work, including sound...Includes: 2D, 3D, and 4D (mainly sound)
- Sculptural collages made up of every-day objects: pencils, newspaper, magazines, clothes, wood, etc.
- Sound, and perhaps suggestions of animation
- Hand-made paper
- Letter-pressed text

Below is a rough illustration to give you a visual of the space I am thinking of constructing:

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