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Consistency Is Key

Fortunately I was able to make it into RedLine twice this week! My choice pulp, yet again, was browns...something about earth tones really excites me with this project. Interestingly though, my challenge was to maintain a certain level of consistency amongst each sheet. In other words, I had to test the pulp for a desirable mixture, as well as ensuring that each sheet created was identical in thickness. All I have to say is that I am getting better with practice.

Since my project has reached the state of construction, I have begun creating the foundation of each broadside...the dimensions will be 5'X11". However, RedLine's papermaking studio is limited when it comes to vats, screens, and presses. That means I have been creating the largest sheets available: 11"X14". Because I will ultimately be connecting these sheets lengthwise to establish the 5', consistency will be very important.

On the illustrative front, I have been collecting reference photos to help develop storyboards. Once my sketches and narrative become finalized, I will be ready to initiate collaging. This is a very exciting time for me, seeing as how I am enamored with process!


On My Way...

Well, Saturday is the big day! I will FINALLY begin creating the foundation of my broadside(s). As you can see in the images below, my brown pulp will serve as a great option for the base; it is neutral, bold, and highly complementary of any add-ons I choose to create. Add-ons will include, and are not limited to: tree moldings, dangling paper owls, and layers of extra thin papers with inverted silhouettes. The trick is going to be connecting each sheet of paper so that I end up with a broadside that is 10 feet long, 11 inches high, OR, 5 feet long, 11 inches high. I am still torn between creating one large broadside, OR, a few shorter broadsides, that would display in a stacked fashion. But for now, my focus is to create a consistent and uniform grouping of paper.

These are the top 15 examples of the papers I have been making these past two weeks:

brown and cotton mix, lamination, after 10 minutes
brown and cotton mix, painted additions, after 5 minutes

brown mix, after 15 minutes
brown mix, after 10 minutes

brown and cotton mix, embossing, after 20 minutes
brown mix, splattered with cotton, after 15 minutes

brown mix, after 30+ minutes
brown and sand mix, after 20 minutes

cotton and brown mix, after 20 minutes
cotton and brown mix, after 30 minutes

extra thin, text weight mix

text weight mix, after 10 minutes

extra thin, text weight mix



Take A Close Look...

THIS is inspiration!...Yes, Yes, and Yes!!!


Glad to know that I am headed in a VERY inspiring direction:)...


Book Arts?...What's That?...

Check out this couple who are taking the nation by storm, exposing communities to what Artist's Books are!!!...
